You Can Now Do Background Checks on Your Expediter

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Today, Mayor Emanuel announced a new public database for all Expediters working in the City of Chicago. 

Expediters, in general, are people who work with the Department of Business Affairs to help businesses acquire licenses and permits. There are some attorneys who acquire business licenses on a regular basis (including License Law Group, of course). There are also non-attorneys who do the same. Up until a few years ago, there was no oversight for non-attorney Expediters. Now, potential Expediters must be licensed by the City of Chicago.

Attorneys who work regularly with Chicago's Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection will be included in the database with links to their licensing bodies. The database will also contain information about non-attorney Expediter violations.

"This new database provides increased accountability for these licensed professionals, as well as another tool for consumers to use as they determine who best to hire for a particular project,” said Felicia Davis, Commissioner of the Department of Buildings.

Increased due diligence regarding the professionals handling your license can only be a good thing.

The press release is HERE and the database is HERE.

by Daniel Rubinow, Principal Attorney

License Law Group


Daniel Rubinow